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HELLO. . . . .
Well what's up you guys out there on the internet... some how in the vast void we call the internet you stumbled off the plethora of vast knowledge, porn, and technology, to find my website lying in your path. Here you are in the desolate waste you call your home life and you find me. What does my website have to offer you that others do not...? I don't know but im sure somewhere here you'll find something that interests you; and if not you can always shut down your computer and find something productive to do... I doubt that will happen so get ready to travel into the depths of my mind, to voyage through the sea of tears I call my life. You, you are here unaware of what you will find and yet you still read on to find, perhaps what you are searching for, what you goal is I do not know but maybe after visiting this place you will come to find new meaning in what you do. Maybe you will come to the close of my monologue and decide to exit this place, return to your never ending struggle and search across the internet, across your home, across your city, your state, your country, the world. You will search the universe and find nothing but more journeys ahead more questions than answers will be presented to you yet you keep on going. You can find what you are looking for without my help the answers to you questions are inside yet they are just waiting to be reborn into your conscious. I am merely someone you stumbled onto when you got off track.

You make the descion.

T. G.

Updates ! i ! i !

I've been thru alot of changes lately and as I change so does my website.
I've been feeling very abstract lately so I have displayed some impressonist art on this home page!
I also have updated the Pix Page (but it still needs work)


}0}0} ART! {0{0{

If you'd like to email me click here! (if it doesn't work just send an email to Jaggedlilpill@netzero.net)

How to get in contact with me...

If you would like to get in contact with me you can email me at Jaggedlilpill@netzero.net or Timbo@statesmail.com You also can chat live with me if you have America Online, Compuserve, or Aol Instant Messenger at WebPageHotShot.

Busy! Busy! Busy!


P.S. Fill out my Guest Book PLEASE (its on the custom page)